Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Voice from long ago

(Oct. 20, 2010) Blogging has some unexpected benefits. Among them is connecting with folks from long ago in your life. That is what happened to my husband and me this week. I won't go into the details, but suffice it to say we discovered an unusual one from 1980 via blogs. You never know who is reading your posts.

Exactly 30 years ago, we hosted a young Amish school teacher who was traveling from her home in Ohio to New England. While visiting back home in the summer of 1980, we met her through mutual friends in the Burton-Middlefield area of northeastern Ohio, known as Amish country. Since that time, she has married her friend in Vermont, graduated from Smith College and written a book about her life. If you want to read more about her, click on to Saloma Furlong in my followers to the right. What a story!

Anyway, readers have an opportunity to join the growing list of bloggers at Recorder Community Newspapers. Any community group or individual interested in communicating via a blog at the newspapers' websites is invited to contact me at (908) 832-7420 or It is simple and free. All you need is a computer and an e-mail.

Check out the 60 some bloggers already online. Their messages are as varied as our communities, from book reviews to entertainment to chit-chat to health advice, library events, opinion and more.


  1. Pat, thank you very much for your complimentary account of me/my blog. I want your readers to know how you and your husband were angels along my life's journey. You welcomed me into your home, after meeting me only once, and I felt right at home.

    I am thrilled to have reconnected with you and John. I'm sure our paths will cross again.

    Thank you so very kindly, Pat.

    Warmest regards,

  2. Found my way here through Saloma's blog. What a wonderful story! Good to meet you.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  3. Pat, thank you for putting me together with Saloma Furlong and for giving me the opportunity to read and review her wonderful book. Lynn
