Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring cleaning

(March 29, 2011) Remember years ago when spring came it was time for spring cleaning? The brighter days somehow accentuated the dust and dirt around the house. The curtains looked drab, walls seemed dull, carpeting was dingy, closets were overstuffed. So it was time to get out the deep cleaning products and muscle and dig into spring cleaning.

Even though the signs of need are there I can't seem to get moving and attack the job. During the cold spell I did clear out some stuff we haven't used in years, giving to the local thrift shop. But lots more needs to go before summer. And I did look up the carpet cleaning man's telephone number. But that's as far as spring cleaning has progressed. I guess today I'll tackle my regular weekly cleaning jobs and after this week's snowstorm think again about spring cleaning.

In the meantime, I'm checking out the blogs here at Recorder Community Newspapers' website to see what's others are up to. Some 60 community organizations and individuals are sharing information and even just chit-chat. Anyone interested in joining this 21st century communication is invited to call me at (908) 832-7420 to learn how. Blogging is simple and free; all you need is a computer or other Internet connection and an e-mail.

1 comment:

  1. I think there is a need for a spring cleaning procrastinators support group! Glad to see that I am not alone with this challenge.
