Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Check out our newest blogger

(March 30, 2010) I'm very excited about our newest blogger, Lynn Kimmerle of Mendham, who writes book reviews and other very compelling chit-chat at Monarch (for the butterfly) Book Reviews. I know her blog will be among the favorites at Recorder Newspapers' Web sites.

In fact, I am sure there are many other individuals and groups who also could provide fine blogs for our online readers. That is why Recorder Newspapers is offering interested folks access to its 15 local newspapers' Web sites via free blogs.

Blogging is a simple, online, multi-media, 21st century communication tool. More than 40 bloggers already are sending their messages throughout our newspapers' sites. Take a look at some or all of them. To join the group, call me at (908) 832-7420 or e-mail me at panderson@recordernewspapers.com and I will assist in effecting the connection.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New beginnings

(March 25, 2010) Spring has sprung. Saturday, March 20, was the first day of spring this year and what a day it was. The Earth is finally warming and green is returning to the land. Bulbs are sprouting and peeper frogs are singing. Life is beginning again in nature.

Also, the health care reform bill has passed the U.S. Congress and been signed (March 23) by the president after many months of wrangling. Some still are not pleased by this historic legislation; however, there is no denying that many Americans will benefit as they have from Social Security over the years. Too bad the debate is so politically motivated on this new beginning of a healthy life for so many.

Some of the bill's benefits include:
Those with pre-existing medical conditions may not be denied insurance coverage, young people up to age 26 may remain on their parents' insurance plans, insurance premiums will be subsidized for low-wage earners, large employers will be required to provide health insurance for their employees, and the "doughnut hole" gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage for seniors will close up.

Meantime, discussion continues on the pros and cons. Soon organizations will be offering programs to explain how the bill affects folks in this area. Information about them will appear in Recorder Community Newspapers and their blogs right here.

Those interested in joining the growing list of Recorder bloggers may call me at (908) 832-7420 or e-mail panderson@recordernewspapers.com to learn how to sign up. Blogging is a real-time, multi-media, online communication tool. The process is free and simple.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rain, rain go away ...

(March 16, 2010) That was the song this past weekend as record rains continued to fall throughout the state and into yesterday causing major flooding in many areas. But today the sun is shining and hopefully flood waters, aggravated by melting snow, will start to recede.

Falling trees downed wires, causing power outages and closed roadways, even smashed property. Cleanup is ongoing. Hopefully, normal life will resume soon.

Spring is just around the corner (March 20) signaled by the return to daylight- saving time early Sunday, March 14. And after this year's stormy winter, area residents can hardly wait.

Meantime, Recorder bloggers are communicating regularly on a variety of subjects, keeping our online readers abreast of what's happening in the area. When folks log on to Recorder Community Newspapers to check the headlines, they also can peruse some 30+ blogs listed among the 15 papers.

Any individual or organization interested in joining the growing group of bloggers may find out more about blogging, an online multi-media communication tool, by contacting me at panderson@recordernewspapers.com or (908) 832-7420. I am available to help with the free, simple setup and connection.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Two big WOWs!

(March 9, 2010) First, the snow finally is melting. After weeks of snow-covered yards, drives and roads, we're finally seeing some green ... and venturing out and about.

Second is this week's report from the N.J. Press Association. That is: Newspaper Web sites continue to be the most used and valued sites for consumers seeking credible and trustworthy local content and advertising online, according to a new survey conducted by comScore for the Newspaper Association of America. Some 57 percent of the 3,050 respondents identified local newspaper Web sites as the top online source for local information - ahead of the totals for all other media. And you're reading one of those trusted Web sites.

Recorder Community Newspapers welcomes individuals and organizations interested in spreading their news or chit-chat to join our growing list of Recorder bloggers who are blogging right here on Recorder Web sites. To sign up is free and easy. The multi-media process is simple. Bloggers simply sign in online, type their messages and attach photos and/or videos if they wish, hit the publish button and their blog appears at their newspaper's Web site.

Potential Recorder bloggers are invited to e-mail panderson@recordernewspapers.com or call me at (908) 832-7420 to learn all about it. I'm ready to help.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Back home again

(March 2, 2010) My husband and I just got back home from more than a week in South Carolina, specifically Isle of Palms, a bit east of Charleston. Although the whole East Coast is experiencing colder than normal temperatures this winter, we enjoyed 45-64 degrees with no snow during our stay down south. What a jolt to come back to a nor'easter here!

But, we were able to check out the doings up north by logging on to Recorder Newspapers' Web sites. I was interested especially in the blogs there since I am helping start them.

Any group or individual interested in blogging right on a Recorder Newspapers' Web site is invited to call me at (908) 832-7420 or e-mail panderson@recordernewspapers.com to find out about this free multi-media communication tool. It's EASY and the way of the future.